Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Camille Edwards on Knowing What You Don’t Know


As Camille Edwards knows it’s very hard for some people to admit they don’t know something. But having the confidence to be ok with not knowing something is a superpower. 

It’s Ok to NOT Know Everything

Camille Edwards was a media executive with decades of experience who decided to make a career change into real estate.

“For the first time in a long time, I didn’t know everything,” says Edwards. She says she had to teach herself how to be a student again. She had to work hard to train her brain on how to learn and think differently.  

“During my 30 years as a journalist,” says Camille Edwards, “I was used to having to make quick decisions; time was always of the essence.” 

But as she trained to be a real estate agent, Edwards had to train her brain to think differently and not have her decisions be driven by a clock. 

“I had to be ok knowing that I didn’t know everything and that it was totally ok to open and honest about it.”

Visit to know more about her.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Camille Edwards: Inner Beauty

Are you superficial? Do you really believe the saying that “beauty is only skin deep”? 

Camille Edwards has always tried to see people’s inner beauty. There were times in her life where she didn’t look or feel her best. “I really had to dig deep to remember that it’s my inner beauty that makes me who I really am,” says Edwards. 

These days, Camille Edwards is glad she was able to get past her insecurities and recognize her true beauty and strength.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Camille Edwards on Stress During the Pandemic

During this unprecedented time, it is so hard to stay positive. And as Camille Edwards knows it’s a daily struggle for everyone.

Should I Even Watch the News?

A former journalist, Edwards finds it very difficult to stay on top of current events, often because it is depressing to her. 

“If you would have told me that when I got out of media that I wouldn’t watch the news, I would have told you were crazy,” says Camille Edwards. “It’s true that I don’t watch the news like I used to. I find my friends are more up to date on what’s going on in the world more so than I am.”

It is a very strange time, and being on top of developments with the pandemic is critical. But if taking in all that information makes you depressed, what are you supposed to do?

“You can’t bury your head in the sand and act like things are ok, normal or like them used to be,” says Edwards. “But you also have to find balance in knowing what is going on and keeping yourself mentally safe.”

Edwards is a 30-year veteran journalist who’s led huge newsrooms across the country.

Previous post: Camille Edwards’ Sister Squad

Friday, July 24, 2020

Camille Edwards’ Sister Squad

Camille Edwards is a former media executive who has lived in big cities across the country. While she was extremely busy running large newsrooms, she always made time for her group of friends who she’s known for decades.

Who’s in Your Squad?

Do you have a squad? Or do you call them your crew?

“There are six women in my ‘Diva’ squad,” says Camille Edwards. These ladies are extremely successful in various businesses. They are high-powered women who have been tested and challenged on every level, both professionally and personally. 

“It is extremely important to have friends in your life who can keep you grounded,” says Edwards, “and (who) give you sound advice that you might not be able to get from loved ones. My Diva girlfriends are a safe haven for me to share all things good and bad in my life.”

Previous post: Camille Edwards on Dealing with a Difficult Boss

Edwards strongly suggests working hard to secure and maintain those authentic relationships. “It certainly is difficult to round up a group of women who are busy as heck,” she says. “But when we do get together, physically or virtually, it is so worth it.”

Visit for more information about her.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Camille Edwards, Self-reflection During the Pandemic

It’s been several weeks of stay-at-home orders and socially distancing.
And Camille Edwards wants to know, what have you done during this time to self-reflect?

Self-reflection in the New Normal
What new skill have you learned? What new friend did you make? Did you work hard enough to improve your job or business?
I’m sure you used to dream about a time when you would actually have the time to do something you always wanted to do or learn. Have you used your time to check off some of those things? Or did you spend mindless hours in front of the television?

Like many of you, Camille Edwards at first didn’t know what to do with all the time she now had on her hands.
But after the first couple of weeks, she figured it out. She became disciplined in her approach to tackling her days at home. She made daily “to-do lists” so that she felt like she was accomplishing things. Those checked off items really helped her morale when things got mentally tough.
As more states ease their restrictions, how will you take the things you learned during this time to be better?